
print('Hello World')

My name is Andrew James, or more commonly known as semaja2. At heart I am a technologist, anything to do with technology brings out the curiosity in me.

Many may wonder where the “semaja2” handle comes from, and to be honest it was autogenerated once and it just stuck… its honestly that simple. If you look at the name long enough you may notice its actually ajames backwards, which would be Andrew James :wink:

My early years were spent at Managed Service Providers performing various roles from IT Support to Network Engineer. At the same time, I was running various development projects, some internal projects were responsible for handling hundreds of thousands of service tickets at a MSP (Managed Service Provider) and some public projects (eg. InsomniaX) became very popular with millions of downloads at its peak.

Recently I have spent my life as a Senior Network Engineer running a vSphere hosting platform and its related datacentre functions, moving into the Wireless Internet Service Provider world.

In the background my curiosity for Cyber Security has grown and evolved into actual work, with some CVEs credited to my name, so expect some writeups to come through soon
